What is Meshnet? The very clever NordVPN feature explained

Meshnet is one of the newest features available through a NordVPN subscription. But what is Meshnet and what are its main use cases? 

We’ve created this guide to explain Meshnet’s functionality in detail and list all of the main benefits.

If you’re interested in using Meshnet, then we recommend subscribing to NordVPN with the code ‘TrustedReviews’ at checkout, which will drive the price down to just £2.56 per month

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What is Meshnet?

Meshnet is a Nord feature that allows you to effectively create your own personal NordVPN server. This means any connected devices, no matter where they are in the world, will be able to form a connection and share an IP address. 

For example, if you were on holiday in Spain but had left your laptop at home, you’d be able to create an encrypted VPN tunnel between your laptop and smartphone. 

Doing so will give your smartphone the same IP address as your laptop, so then websites such as Google, Amazon and so on (and potential snoopers) will mistakenly think you’re accessing the Internet from the UK instead of Spain. 

You can link up to 10 of your own devices via Meshnet, and a further 50 external ones that are using separate NordVPN subscriptions. 

What are the benefits of Meshnet?

Since Meshnet creates the illusion that all connected devices are using the same Wi-Fi network, it opens up numerous use cases. 

Meshnet can be used to create remote LAN (local area network) parties, which sees multiple people playing multiplayer games via the same internet connection. Games such as Mario Kart, Unreal Tournament and Quake support LAN multiplayer, allowing you to play with friends without having to contend with strangers from the internet. 

Meshnet can also be useful for when two devices are required to use the same Wi-Fi network in order to communicate. For example, you’d be able to use your smartphone to control your smart thermostat remotely – just in case you forgot to turn off the heating. 

You’re also able to easily share files between any devices connected via Meshnet, which could be useful when working away from home or the office. 

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NordVPN’s is now offering up to 66% off + 3 months free from just £2.56 per month free using code TrustedReviews at checkout

  • NordVPN
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  • from £2..56/mo

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What are the disadvantages of Meshnet?

Meshnet has a few disadvantages compared to a standard VPN. 

Since you’ll be using a dedicated IP address that belongs to you, it’s still possible for private server owners to log your activity. This differs greatly to using a NordVPN server, where you are afforded more privacy when browsing the web. 

As a result, Meshnet is not an ideal replacement for a NordVPN server if privacy is your chief concern. But it still offers plenty of use cases, including remote LAN parties and secure data transfers between faraway devices.

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