Twitter to Discontinue Legacy Blue Checks: What It Means for Users?

Twitter announces the phasing out of the blue checkmark for legacy accounts, sparking confusion among users.

Twitter, the popular microblogging platform, has announced that it will discontinue the use of legacy blue checks starting April 1, 2023. This decision has left many users confused, as the blue checkmark has long been seen as a symbol of status and authenticity on the platform. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what this change means for users, what prompted Twitter to make this decision, and what users can do to maintain their status on the platform.

Why is Twitter phasing out the blue checkmark for legacy accounts?

According to Twitter, the blue checkmark was originally designed to help users identify the authenticity of high-profile accounts. However, over time, the symbol has become synonymous with status and prestige on the platform. As a result, Twitter has decided to discontinue the use of the blue checkmark for legacy accounts, as it believes that the symbol no longer serves its original purpose.

twitter legacy mark

What is a legacy account, and how does this change affect users?

A legacy account is a Twitter account that has been inactive for an extended period of time. Twitter has not provided a clear definition of what constitutes an inactive account, but it is believed to be any account that has not been updated in over six months. With the phasing out of the blue checkmark for legacy accounts, users who have not updated their accounts in over six months will lose their blue checkmark.

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What can users do to maintain their status on the platform?

If you are a user who has not updated your account in over six months, you can still maintain your status on the platform by logging into your account and updating it. This can be as simple as tweeting a message or changing your profile picture. Once you have updated your account, your blue checkmark will be restored.

In addition, users who have not yet been verified can still apply for verification through Twitter’s verification process. This process involves providing Twitter with various forms of identification to prove that you are who you say you are. Once verified, you will receive a blue checkmark on your account.


Twitter’s decision to discontinue the use of the blue checkmark for legacy accounts has sparked confusion among users. However, by logging into their accounts and updating them, users can maintain their status on the platform. Additionally, users who have not yet been verified can still apply for verification through Twitter’s verification process. While this change may seem like a small one, it underscores Twitter’s commitment to ensuring that the blue checkmark remains a symbol of authenticity and not status on the platform.

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